Friday, July 30, 2010

growing up.

think back to 4th grade. remember when you got the highest score on that one test and everybody hated you because of it? not just hate like be jealous. hate like whenever you walked into a room everyone would stop talking and look at you and then someone would say some stupid comment like: "way to ruin our curve. wait you didn't just ruin it, you stomped on it, spit on it, and threw dirt on it," or "what did you get on your other test? what? i got better than you? oh my gosh, i finally beat you at something."

wait, was that 4th grade? or was it 1st grade? no, it was when you were in your Doctorate program for Physical Therapy.

weird how some people are never able to grow up.


  1. good job, mind. tell them to grow up and stop being idiots.

  2. The best score on a test is worth all of the lame comments that people say! Way to go! I do wish that next time it happens you can enjoy it a little more though.

  3. Mindy, you're such a smarty-pants. well done!


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